Monthly Archives: January 2012
Need to put aside my holiday mood and start a new freelance project today, wasn’t easy, but I managed to put in a very efficient 2 hours of work. Thankful that I have work lined up one after another. Skimmed through a recruitment newsletter, and after looking at the job postings, I was reassured that […]
Tai O
My sister’s parents-in-law were in town, my parents insisted on visiting them. Reluctantly, I tagged along to visit them at one of the most remote place in HK. Then again, they treated me like family and invited me to their family dinners during the holidays when I was in Toronto, so it would be rather […]
Happy CNY 2012!
My friend just delivered this paycheck to me for a small freelance project I completed earlier. Something about the Chinese tradition that debt should not be carried forward to the next year, I’m most thankful for such tradition to have received my first paycheck since graduation! This is what I call a Happy Chinese New […]
Today is traditionally the big cleanup day before Chinese New Year. I actually started doing some cleanup yesterday and just barely got my bedroom and studio cleaned up before dinner tonight. My family picked tonight to have our family dinner before CNY, I was feeling a bit annoyed the whole night because I never really […]
Fotanian 2012
My first time to catch a glimpse of some HK artists’ studios at the Fotanian event was 2 years ago, not long after I came back from Canada. Revisiting the same event after 2 years makes me realize that I still very much want to have a studio space to do some “dirty” experimental work, […]
Feeling cold despite wearing enough clothing, plus sore throat, muscle pain, and a body temperature of 100+ degrees, guess I’ve finally been defeated by sickness after a long marathon of healthy days… Time to take some medicine, take a hot shower, brush up, and huddle myself under the blanket and sleep.
Red Pocket Design
Received a pack of red pocket envelops I helped design before Sunday Service this morning, I’m still overwhelmed with satisfaction looking at it now while writing this post. I’m really thankful for this opportunity to serve for the first time at the church I’ve been attending for more than 2 years. Received quite a few […]
New Year’s Resolution 2012
A review of my last year’s resolution revealed that I’ve only completed 4/10 of my resolutions, a failing grade. I wouldn’t consider it a total failure though as many items were still in progress or on the verge of completion. I still insist on making my New Year’s Resolution this year because “…the trouble with […]