Daily Archives: Dec 10, 2010

Father’s 70th Birthday

It’s Father’s 70th birthday, we had a big family dinner.  This is the first time the 14 of us took a photo together!  A truly memorable occasion.

There was an excessive amount of food, a few dishes had to go straight into the takeout containers.  There was even shark fins soup and an expensive fish that the captain told me was an endangered species, I can’t bare to touch those dishes.  I managed to keep my pose, but almost everyone else groaned one way or another over the excessiveness.  My mother kept nagging about how this would have been avoided if she had a say on the dishes beforehand.

I really disgust the way we civilized people are wasting so much time arguing over food, over what we should or should not eat, or how much or little we should eat.  There are people in this world who can’t even afford a piece of bread!  Frankly, I’ll be a happy camper if I had just a cup noodle for the night!

Father's 70th Birthday

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