Daily Archives: Jan 11, 2010


Reminiscence – recall to mind of a long-forgotten experience or fact.

A wedding last night turned out to be somewhat of a reunion for me and my old UW housemates.  We were leisurely playing “Big 2” when we suddenly started talking about the good old days when time still seemed plenty.  We could easily spend hours in the residence’s cafeteria playing and eating poutine and philly-steaks.  Last night, despite the difference in setting and the passing of time, I could still sense the same laughter, optimism, and chemistry among us.  How I wish these happy times can come more often!

We went to karaoke for the after-wedding party.  I came home late.  My mom stayed up despite me telling her that I would be returning late.  I got a good scold during dinner tonight, and I exchanged some arguments but stopped quickly when I realized there was no use.

Table Inside Karaoke Room

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  • JAN
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio