Monthly Archives: November 2009


Let me mark this day (20091123) as a day for change, a day to rid of an entrenched bad habit in my life.  May God help me.

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My Office/Studio (part II)

It’s such a wonderful feeling to see what you have imagined turn into reality!  It took me about 2 weeks time to buy and assemble all the furniture for my office/studio following my initial design.  I waited no time to move in all my school/work related stuff from my bedroom. Now I can physically isolate […]

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An Artist’s Lifestyle

Read an article on newspaper today about a renowned Chinese artist.  Being merely an amateur “artist”, I don’t know who he is and I’ve never even seen his work, but I admire his lifestyle – “…一直不講究吃穿,不過奢華揮霍的生活,一生精力都在繪畫創作上…” That’s inline with how I want my home studio to be – no luxurious furnishings, just a little place […]

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My Office/Studio

My family had our flat completely furnished before moving in about 3 years ago.  That is except this one room which I told my parents to leave empty for me to design and furnish.  I was not even certain about moving back to HK then.  The room was left untouched after all these years just […]

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Most of the time this week was spent reading a book on the critical history of modern architecture.  Writings on architecture could be so difficult to understand sometimes, they really have a vocabulary of its own.  Perhaps the most rewarding thing I got out of reading the book is a word I looked up – […]

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Bioclimatic Building Design

It was a bit of a relief after the last lecture of the Bioclimatic Building Design course yesterday.  At the same time, I was actually a bit saddened to see our professor go.  It was only 2 weeks ago when he came from New Zealand to teach us.  At first, I found him to be […]

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