Computer Proficiency
Programming Languages:
C/C++, JAVA, SQL/XML/HTML/JavaScript/VBScript, ASP/ColdFusion, HPVEE, LabWindows/CVI, Labview
Work Experience
Photonics Research Ontario - Toronto (Sept-Dec '02) Technician
Completed numerous contracts involving laser micromachining of metal, polycarbonate, and glass; machining was typically done at micron precision
Nortel Networks - Nepean (Sept-Dec '01, Jan-Apr '01) Optoelectronics Research Assistant
Worked extensively on a potentially patented InGaAsP/InP slanted angle polarization converter
Gained extensive experience in testing optical devices through GPIB devices using LabWindows/CVI and HPVEE
Rare Medium Inc. (formerly Hype! Inc.) - Toronto (Sept-Dec '99, Jan-April '99) Web Developer
Developed vast amount of online database applications using ASP, Microsoft Access 97/2000 and SQL Server 7.0
"His overall performance is excellent. He showed outstanding skills in measuring optical devices that have completely new concept for him. He has excellent skills writing programs to automate various types of measurement." - Hatem El-Rafaei, Optical Research Scientist, Nortel Networks.
"Tony was a good solid student. His ability and desire to learn quickly should serve him well in the business reality of Today. He showed excellent initiative and was equally adapt at all aspects of his job." - Ian Betty, Senior Device Designer, Nortel Networks.
"Tony was certainly one of the highest caliber students who I have worked with at Bellanet. His motivation and quick learning ability allowed the staff to entrust Tony with challenges normally reserved for full-time staff. His patience, interest, and thoughtful comments were a definite asset for Bellanet." - Michael Roberts, Sr. Technical Officer, Bellanet International Secretariat.
University of Waterloo - Canada (1998-Present)
Candidate for Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering